The Welsh Space Programme. Episode 4

Our dear leader has taken the first important step toward Welsh dominance of space. The First Minister for Wales has unveiled the new logo for the Welsh Space Force and the reviews are in. The logo which is loosely based on one of the prospective American Space Force logos features the Welsh dragon striking a dynamic pose as it shoots up into space.
The exact cost of the logo development process is not known but is thought to be in the region of £600,000 as this was the amount of underspend left in the budget of the statutory committee for monitoring departmental underspend.
A freedom of information request revealed the statutory committee for monitoring departmental overspend requested the money to plug a hole in its finances but was refused after an ironic intervention by the committee for ironic interventions. One of the conditions for the logo was that it would have to reproduce well when shone against clouds via a powerful searchlight.
The chair of the committee for carrying Welsh ideals into the boundless expanse of space issued a statement revealing that this would be the chief method of summoning The Space Force when the nation was in peril or something.
Reviews have been entirely negative with celebrity, celebrity Peter Andre describing it as “a bit like in a shop, when someone on the checkout is trying to get you to sign up to a loyalty card but you don’t fully realise what’s happening so you have to ask them to explain it again because you weren’t really paying attention and then you don’t understand the points system and you try to work out how much you’ll have to spend before you get anything back and then you realise you haven’t been in the shop for over a year so you’ll probably never use it anyway. A bit like that but with Logos”.
The reviews of his review were mostly negative with @reviewingreviews saying “I literally have no idea what he’s talking about. I don’t think he fully or even partially understands the concept of a review”.
Regardless of the unambiguously hostile reception for the logo, Our Dear Leader will be pressing on with this first stage in the conquest of space. Stage two, the choosing of the font for press releases, will begin in earnest after the summer recess.
Serialisation of Making Wales Great Again (#MAWGA) by @NSgreatdictator