Political Satire by @NSGreatDictator

How to win.
The winner is the person who ends up with most money without going to prison.
How to play
Players accumulate money by accepting cabinet positions.
A board with built in spirit level. (Spirit level does not meet any know manufacturing or safety standards) (board not supplied)
Two dice for each player, four dice if you went to Eton (dice not supplied)
Tokens for each player. Featuring:
· Winston Churchill
· Clement Atlee
· A cocaine spoon
· Birthday Cake with a surgical mask on it for comic irony
· A fat brown envelope of cash
· A kangaroo’s anus
(Tokens not supplied)
32 houses which you may buy with expenses 12 hotels with utmost discretion
16 Ministerial Code of Conduct Cards
16 Ministerial Code of Conduct Exemption Cards
356 Non-Dom status certificates
Money, lots of money
Place the board on a table. (table not supplied)
The Ministerial Code of Conduct (discretionary) and the Ministerial Code of Conduct Exemption cards are placed face down on their allotted spaces on the board.
Each player chooses one token to represent them while traveling around the board.
Each player is given £1500 divided as follows:
2 x £500’s, 2 x £100’s, 2 x £50’s, 6 x £20’s, 5 x £10’s, 5 x £5’s, and 5 x £1's.
If a player went to Eton that money is doubled and if the player went to a state school all money is taken away from them and they have to buy a board, a spirit level, a set of tokens, Code of Conduct and Code of Conduct Exemption cards, Non-Dom status certificates and £1500 of in game money using £1500 of their own money.
Select someone as banker. If this person also plays, then they must keep their personal funds separated from those of the bank unless they went to Eton in which case they can pay all bank funds directly into an offshore account and claim a further £1500 from their MPs expenses.
Object of the Game
Become the wealthiest player through abusing ministerial power and awarding contracts to friends and relatives. You can also force people to default on their mortgages by increasing inflation then buying their debts/houses at rock bottom prices. You can then rent a room of their property back to them and get the state to pay because your company sacked them for going on strike for enough money to pay their mortgage.
Game Play
Starting with the Banker, each player throws the dice. Regardless of the totals the player who went to Eton starts the play.
Two or more tokens may rest on the same space at the same time but if you land on the same square as someone who went to Eton or if they land on your square, you must pay them £100.
If one or both dice roll off the board, or land on or lean against a card deck, the roll is invalid. Unless the person rolling went to Eton in which case, they may select a number most advantageous to them. Everyone else must roll again.
Depending on the space the token reaches, you may buy the property, or be obliged to pay rent, pay taxes, draw a Ministerial Code of Conduct Card, Go To Jail, etc… If you went to Eton you can use a Ministerial Code of Conduct Exemption Card at any time and are entitled to leap over the Go To Jail square.
If you ever throw doubles three times in succession, you have to go immediately to jail. If you went to Eton you are also awarded a £350,000 advance for the rights to your prison memoirs.
End of Play
The game ends when someone who went to Eton has all the money or the banker goes to jail.