JeanLuc and Igor followed the slight figure of Sophia, as she ducked and weaved through the crowd towards the East Gate of Izmaylovo Park. She led them to a large battered van parked in a side street leading off the main road that circled the Park. Fortunately, it had not snowed that day so they didn’t have to dig the vehicle out. The two men got straight in, sliding across the hard bench seat. Sophia pulled the bonnet latch and lifted the hood. She fished a distributor rotor arm out from of her coat pocket and expertly snapped it back into place under the distributor cap. She pulled a small 6 cm length of rubber tubing out of the same pocket and, reaching down into the engine compartment, slipped one end over a small tap which had been welded to the cut end of the petrol feed pipe. The other end she joined to the other half of the pipe leading to the carburettor. She then connected the battery earth lead to a bolt on the chassis with a big butterfly nut. Finally, she replaced the windscreen wipers retrieved from under the driver's seat. Jobs done, she dropped the heavy bonnet down with a clang and clambered into the driver's seat beside the two men. “You can't be too careful these days,” she explained. The two men nodded in agreement.

Icon Rapture - 6
JeanLuc and Igor followed the slight figure of Sophia, as she ducked and weaved through the crowd towards the East Gate of Izmaylovo Park.