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Jim Morrison of The Doors said it best.
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes again
Can you picture what will be?
So limitless and free
Desperately in need of some stranger’s hand
In a desperate land
Jonathan Edwards: If Trump wins, the world will immediately become a darker place. With the right in the UK also heading towards this path both mainstream and fringe, what might well be rolled out in the States after January’s inauguration could be heading this way very soon.

Jonathan Edwards on the US election.
Listen to the AI generated audio podcast (click on the image)

Ben Wildsmith: All that is left for opposition parties are the barren outskirts where Jeremy Corbyn cultivates his juniper tree, and Enoch Powell’s ghost flickers in monochrome impotence.

Read below our lists of articles by Medium writers we follow on topics of interest to our audience such as writing advice, politics, evil things happening in the world and more.

Editors note. The topics, content and opinions in these linked articles are those of their authors. Read at your own discretion.
Featured Book.

Flags & Bones
From Westminster to the Welsh Senedd, liars, posers and fools are harpooned as the surreal bin fire of current affairs 2023-style is revisited by Nation.cymru columnist Ben Wildsmith.
OUT SOON! From the Senedd to the Rooftops. Columns 2023-2024.