Y Clochydd

Cambria Zeitgeist - May 2024 (3)

What's happening? What's new? What's going to happen? This week - Alberto Romero, Ann Kjellberg and more...

4 min read

What's happening? What's new? What's going to happen? What's Evil?
This week - Alberto Romero, Ann Kjellberg and more...

The Internet, That Friend I Used to Know
The prelude to an unprecedented digital exodus

"The Internet: That Friend I Used to Know" by Alberto Romero on The Algorithmic Bridge reflects on the evolution of the internet and its impact on personal and societal levels. Romero nostalgically recalls the early days of the internet as a place of discovery, connection, and simplicity. He contrasts this with the current state, characterized by algorithms, commercialization, and loss of privacy. You can read the full article here.

Notebook: Books Are Dead! Long Live Books!
by Ann Kjellberg, editor Yes people buy books, but that doesn’t mean the system is working

"Books Are Dead, Long Live Books" by Ann Kjellberg explores the evolving landscape of book publishing and criticism. Kjellberg reflects on her experience with traditional literary institutions and the challenges they face in the digital age.

AI and the Evolution of Social Media - Schneier on Security

"AI and the Evolution of Social Media" discusses the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on social media, drawing parallels with the evolution of social media itself. It highlights five fundamental attributes of social media that have harmed society: advertising, virality, surveillance, disinformation, and polarization. Bruce Schneier argues that AI also possesses these attributes, which can be leveraged for good or ill, depending on how the technology is wielded.

It’s the End of the Web as We Know It
A great public resource is at risk of being destroyed.
It’s not going awfully well
Ben Wildsmith Transitions of power are often jolting, as a management style to which people have become accustomed is replaced by something else. In a functioning democracy, they would usually be in response to the people’s will. An example of that would be the cautious, torpid air of John Major’s administration giving way to the […]
List: Evil | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
4 stories
List: Artificial Intelligence AI | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
43 stories

Editors note. The topics, content and opinions in these linked articles are those of their authors. Read at your own discretion.

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